Oh my we got all excited around here

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Thought I was going to have my final surgery pushed forward from April 18—then it was changed again!
Who knows–I am so done but I had to go handle the way I look(one deflated side) by going to Intimate Image—they were nice and kind and funny–I will not mention the name of the store  I went to before which was depressing and frustrating. At I I I had a good time and got some camis and forms etc. So I can balance out myself.
Tomorrow I go to a charity function and have to go casual chic—Needed the cami to balance out my outfit—need to polish my toes.

I feel like I want someone to wake me up and tell me it is time to go rather than prep for it at all-
NExt tuesday I get the results of some tests done last week. It should be nothing but you don’t count on that after one diagnosis–everything seems to be full of angst.

I’ll let you know what it all comes to. I am tired of waiting –tired of being sick when the time comes–tired of not being able to just get dressed without a thought.
BUT I am alive, healthy, strong, loved and loving so really I have NOTHING to complain about EVER!

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