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 Here’s what a survivor looks like!Walking towards the beginning, from left to right–My youngest, her friend, Joy’s daughter, my friend Joy(from prenatal yoga 16 years ago), my mom, My friend Elaine whom I met in the parking lot at preschool 13 years ago.

The view as I entered the coliseum hand in hand with my mom.

Sarah’s very specific manicure. She did the ribbons herself.

The survivor daughters

Me at the beginning with the long line of people waiting

Me at the end–the hardest part is the hike out of the coliseum!

This is always an amazing experience. I always tear up at the start and as I arrive at the coliseum. There are Asian drummers there (I don’t know exactly where they come from every year but I saw the Kodo Drummers of Japan while I was in college and they are like those) men and women drumming an amazing beat at the start of the tunnel. it is powerful and amazing and it always make me cry–especially this year when all I could think about was that they had been drumming for hours in the hot sun. It was so hot this year. Nobody hung out on the field this year. Too hot–we grabbed a cupcake from the survivor tent, our snacks our medals and my flower and gave hugs to all and left after maybe half an hour or a bit more.
My oldest walked quickly and my youngest ran the last mile with her friend and her mother.

I am still planning on going to NYC for next years walk and then doing LA’s walk as well. Not asking for donations for both just want to do it. My energy is so very different now. I still hit a wall but it takes longer!

Enjoy the pics-I have to go make breakfast for the girls.

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