I learned something about myself recently.
I learned how to make time to write by realizing that I need a routine, like I had back in school. If you look back at my posts about planners and journals here and here and here you will see that I have been working towards some serious time management. I could write a blog post about how everything I learned about time management I learned in 7th grade. (Hey, That’s a good idea, actually!)
Being a parent and a wife I have family responsibilities that I have to attend to. Even with one in college, there are appointments to go to, trips to school, and errands to run that take time in my schedule. I also cook some and I organize life, the house, travel, dr’s appointments, etc.
In order to keep up with my writing I have to keep to a schedule.
It can’t be too stiff or I get a little stressed about getting things done. I have to keep learning in order to keep flexible and to move forward. We can always learn how to do something better and with less stress!
Back to a paper planner(Filofax) various bullet journal techniques and some meditation I go.
How do I write every day?
First, I plan on beginning at 8:30 am. That way on the days I drive I am home by then, on the days I don’t drive I am home then and I can plan that. I get up at 6 so I have time to do my all important back exercises, some yoga, some journal meditation and eat before I begin. And most of the world isn’t calling me before 9 am so I get it done and feel positive about the day. If I get to start by 8 all the better!
The other thing I made peace with is the timer on my cell phone. I set it and I write until I have written for at least one hour. I thought about using a kitchen timer but those TICK Loudly!
I didn’t need to feel like my writing was the same as defusing a bomb.
I tried it and it works. I don’t have to think. I begin at 8 and go and if I feel done I check the timer. If an hour has gone by I have a choice and if there isn’t I keep going.
The third tip? I am trying to treat it like a job. Because I really really really want it to be one!
My tips for right now: Let’s see if I can keep to them!
1) Choose a start time you can keep
2) Use a timer
3) Treat it like a job.
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