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Can’t sleep right now–I’ve been awake since 2 am– i was thinking about hair–I have been blond red and brunette naturally and unnaturally. Soon I may be fairly bald. I have noticed the first signs. It started last evening. I have so much hair on my head you don’t notice the beginning of the thinning. Still it is weird. I wasn’t bald at birth so I have never been truly bald.I have had long hair, short hair and a strange version of a sheena easton style in the, of course, early 80’s. Now I sit here wondering how brave I will be about this.
I can’t imagine it at all. Really not one bit. I will wash my hair today, possibly for the last time while it is on my head. I will decide when I see how much comes out in the wash. My wig maker is going to make me extensions out of my own hair–he will shave my head and take the hair then. I am not ready to shave my head today. I want to keep this hair in place until it is too much for me emotionally –then shave I will.

I think I am sad about it. but mostly just weirded out by the thought. Bald, bald as a billiard ball. Chrome dome. what other terms are there?

Okay I am rambling but it is 4:30 am. My dog is still asleep.

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