I started a new story today. I feel trapped enough that working on my WIP is claustrophobic. I have great notes from fabulous editors for two different books in two different genres.
I just couldn’t get started back to writing.
My last meeting with my editor on my MG mystery was the week I was diagnosed with Covid 19. That was followed by 21 days of yuch! Fever, aches, pains, coughing, exhaustion, etc. Now I am feeling great but I just couldn’t get started.
So I began a new story, actually two new stories. Each of them has 2 pages to them at the moment, but enough that I have an inkling of an idea.

I also took a writing class online today, and now I am ready.
So I wrote 2 blog posts.
Of course! You didn’t think I was that capable of beginning anew right NOW did you? Just the act of writing is a win! Getting the muscles moving, so to speak.
That will come tomorrow or while dinner is cooking or while I am doing various things for the household. Full time wife and mom duties first.
But let’s get back to it because we need stories don’t we?

Buss, Robert William; Dickens’s Dream; Charles Dickens Museum, London; http://www.artuk.org/artworks/dickenss-dream-191221
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