Motherhood — Parenthood, demands choices.
You make choices all the time. Which lunch to make today. Which child to help right now even though both need you. Our oldest spent the first 4 years as an only child. She is off to college soon and her sister will have a chance to know what it is like having both parents to herself for a bit.
This picture is from 2006 the girls were 4 and 8-they are now 14 and 18 and the world has changed. Their world has changed. I learned awhile ago to take time alone with each of them. The age spread demanded it sometimes as well. Then as everyone learned to ski and swim we did a lot together.
There has always been an energy in the house that will soon be living on a college campus and I have no idea what that will be like.
As I speak with some of my mom friends I hear their dismay, their sadness regarding their children moving away.
I am not doing that…I decided that this summer was going to be one of yes.
Meaning when I am asked to be a part of my oldest’s life I say yes and when my youngest asks I say yes. Yesterday I found that to be truly interesting as it meant taking a dance class. I haven’t done that in awhile so I am grateful that a couple of years ago I went to take tap lessons.
She asked and I said yes. We drove into Hollywood against a backdrop of a fire burning in the mountains north of LA. I also decided I would not be sad, only excited about this new chapter. I cannot guarantee what the flight attendants will find on my way home from leaving her at college…I try to take the positive choice where motherhood is concerned. For now I am holding on.
I don’t know who will miss the other more–older sis or younger sis. I know there will be a lot of texting so I need to up the data plan! I will have to go back to driving to school each day which will demand an official start to my day. I think that will prove energizing for my writing and my exercise routine.
I made choices last year to simplify my life.
I stepped back from volunteering to concentrate on both my writing and my family. I have watched women give so much to volunteer at school and other things that they don’t spend time with their kids and I didn’t want that to be the case with us. My plastic surgeon and I had a meeting last summer as I have one more “fix it” surgery to have and she, also a mother of two daughters, refused to do it until my oldest was off at college! She said, “spend this year with her. It will go so fast.” And it did.
So I sit on the brink. 4 weeks until we fly to school and even typing that makes me catch my breath.
I am grateful for every single moment we have had and I don’t take them lightly.
As I have written before–7 years ago I didn’t have any idea if I would still be here. Watch out world I am not going anywhere!
Wishing all of us the best of the rest of summer!
3 Responses
Your words are one big YES. Thanks for sharing.
College Drop Off Take Two - ANGELIQUE L'AMOUR
[…] you want to know how I was doing last year here are two articles here and here and here and here. College drop off is not for the faint of heart or body. Lots of patience and energy is needed. It […]