I sit here on sunday night thinking about tomorrow

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Tomorrow I go back to the oncology center for just herceptin—It will be weird sitting in the chair for just one drug and only a half hour iv—then I am off to a day of birthday shopping for S and other errands. I have work to do for my classes tomorrow at my appt. I realize it has been a long time since i wrote. I have been feeling great —finally—and the metal mouth taste is starting to lessen today. I find myself wanting to clean my house with a vengeance and get rid of all sorts of stuff—the stuff that is crowding my life. I want to start writing my book again.

I have an appt for my next surgery–May 19th—can’t wait–want to plan the summer trips and camps etc.

Just need a few days at home to get going on the clean out thing…also need to depuff from the chemo so I can weed out clothing. Strange thing sweets don’t really interest me right now. What I really want to eat is Salad! Lots of leafy greens and kale and lemon—weird–before cancer it was chocolate–dark chocolate–now I want vegetables. I am counting on this to lead me to a smaller waistline. I lost weight with my diagnosis and gained it with chemo.

Now I am officially 20 days post chemo and so my hair should start to grow in the next month or so and my weight should right itself…I certainly hope so in time for summer and step one in my reconstruction.

We have raised some money for Revlon Run Walk but the important thing is that I am working out steadily now.

Last week our good friend SL who has been tirelessly helpful went on a hike with K and me. K played hooky from school and we hiked the mountains and traversed the stream several times. It was great. Can’t wait to do it again this week.

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