Stop Blaming Writer’s Block

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I know this may be an unpopular opinion but I don’t believe in writer’s block. I have written about it before on this blog and on my social media but I will say it again.

Writer’s Block Does Not Exist!

What does exist is story block, too many family commitments block, the internet research block and the like.

Family commitments–well you are on your own with that one but no one has to take your writing seriously except you.

Internet research? I fall down that rabbit hole easily enough. I start researching college mental health support (that was for college) and I start looking for old college buddies that had hard times wondering if they came through which leads to exploring the town where my college was, and trying to remember the name of the theatre I stage managed Hedda Gabler at.

Story Block:

That is the easy one. Write around it. No one says you have to write any story in order or that you have to stick with one. Write an essay, write a short story, write a poem. The point is to write something. Your grocery list, the meal plan, your kid’s book report.

Wait, Did I say that?

Actually I didn’t do that. But I did type papers for friends in my college years.

So don’t get stuck, don’t give in. Just write something else and before you go to bed think about the sticking point and I will bet you will solve it just as you are falling asleep. It is annoying but you will need to write it down because you won’t remember it the next day!

Happy Writing!

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