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I have my 5th chemo tomorrow provided my bloodwork is strong. I am getting over an ear infection/cold thing so we will see. My kids are in the creek so I am going with my camera.
I have my 5th chemo tomorrow provided my bloodwork is strong. I am getting over an ear infection/cold thing so we will see. My kids are in the creek so I am going with my camera.
there is a website called yourdiseaserisk.com and on it I took the quiz for breast cancer–just curious to see what would have been the answer–my risk was low average!that is the thought for the day—off to clean my desk and … Read More
S got sick then I got sick then K got sick…along with teaching, rain and trying to make a hat. S is well, I am on antibiotics and K is mending. I taught today over skype. It is raining again … Read More
So now we have facebook families–mine is made up of friends I don’t see frequently. it became a great place to gather for my senior class from high school. I have 77 friends—they are friends and my kid’s friends and … Read More
people like to use that word to describe chemo–I don’t. It is not cumulative–m body repairs itself asap but what is true is that I am tired of it. I am done with feeling this way. Nice thing about that … Read More
so 4 down and 2 to go–hydrating right now—I am planning on going to K’s spelling bee on Wed—really want to–staying positive… The group is walking on May 8th in LA–team 30 also known as Team L’Amour–you can join us … Read More