Everything needs to happen in an instant doesn’t it?
At least we want it to. One of the lessons of breast cancer was to ask the question,
”Where do I want to be in 2 years?”
Not in an hour, or a minute or a week or even a month… two years.
At that time everything seemed to be both taking forever and gone in an instant. Staying present and not desperate takes patience and applied discipline.
The quote at the top of this post struck me as one to hold on to.
I have no idea where I heard it or saw it, all I know is I have it to cling to when I feel things are, “taking too long.” This day of instant satisfaction makes us hungry for it all to happen right now.
I am first and foremost a mom and a wife.
My kids are growing and changing and moving into their own lives as well they should. My husband and I are all too aware of the threatening empty nest.
We decided to look forward to it and plan on it.
Not to be struck blindly when it occurs but to have some solid plans in place for what will be like our courtship again. Those days stretched onward and we had time to read, and talk, and hike and just be in each other’s company.
So I write and I dream and I plan and I learn so that when I have every single morning to write with no interruption, my ability will be there to fill my sails.
![Right now](https://angeliquelamour.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/B3FC778B-0A09-45B0-970C-8C5D98B0AC13-1024x1024.png)
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