Last August I went back to college.
I didn’t finish college back in the 80’s when I thought an acting career would be my future. I was foolish. There were issues with transferring grades and USC kept refusing to accept or process the two years I had done at Pitzer. It was weird. Ah Well!

Now I am a student at Excelsior College online and it works for me.
I can take a class over 8 or 16 weeks and being a mom, an employee, a wife and author I can usually plan 8 weeks at a time. And they are accepting my transfer credits!
Going back to school last fall I was apprehensive.
Terrified of taking my weakest subject after 35 years away(math) I actually got an A. I worked hard though and I am grateful that credit is done! I found it much easier taking only that class. I could take my time not pressured by other classes.
The next class was an English class and though I write every day I hadn’t written anything for a grade since 1985 and I hadn’t written a research paper since then either. Again I buckled down and did it.
Now I am reviewing Spanish online and then I will take an exam, a summer break and back to class in July. I am looking forward to being done which is coming along. Not exactly sure when but I am doing it.
A few days ago I ran into a friend who went back to school to become a nurse 10 years ago. She is working as a nurse and will have her masters degree bestowed upon her next month. She had encouraged me by her merely doing it so I told her so.
Why did I go back to college at 53?
I wanted our girls to see that it was important to me to finish it. I wanted to finish for me. I also knew that in the future, teaching jobs in colleges would look more fondly upon an author with a degree than without.
And of course, Nadia. Nadia tutored our girls in math years ago. Put herself through Pepperdine undergrad and graduate and graduates with her PHD from LMU next weekend. She is phenomenal and has encouraged me along the way too.
Don’t give up, finish your degree and don’t let anyone tell you you can’t or shouldn’t!
Later on we can share our diploma pics on instagram and be proud of our accomplishments!
See you at graduation!
(just a quick thank you to Erin Condren for the first pic-it is the cover to her small budget book that I snapped so I would buy one for myself and to The Writer’s Edit for the one about adulthood which was an instagram post)
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