31 Days of #DaisyWheel Daisy Wheel goes traveling

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This is a picture I took on the flight home from Ireland a year ago. Virgin Atlantic, Upper Class, great deal

Yesterday I worked on a piece about our trip to Ireland but specifically about our trip to County Antrim and a home once owned by my ancestor. I am still working on it in hopes that I will be able to sell it. It took me back to the magic that happened that day in Northern Ireland when a man said, “I know that house.”
I love to travel. I love packing and flying and the exploration of the unknown. I don’t know where our next trip will take us. I know we will go skiing in the Winter but after that? I am just not sure. The list is long of where I want to go—Greece, Italy, Safari in Africa, Istanbul, Egypt, Morocco, Spain. Some will have to wait for safety reasons. I still dream.
I know some of my traveling in the next year will be in response to college tours. 
Where do you want to go?
P.S. Breast Self Exam Saves Lives—FYI

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