4 Tips to Free Your Writing

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I got stuck!

I don’t believe in writer’s block.

But I did get stuck this week. 

I am writing a middle grade book. This book is for a 9-12 year old reader who could be as young as 6 or 7 or as old as 14. I want to make it compelling, fun and easy to read without being too simple for my audience. I want it to appeal to kids who read but are not ready for a book involving high school kids. No sex, drugs, rock n roll, or romance. I was a precocious reader as were both of my daughters.


I got stuck this week until I realized that I am doing a rewrite that includes changing my pov and tightening up the story. So I tried something completely new and terrifying…

I removed scenes, sometimes entire chapters, to see how the story hung together with what might be interesting to me but not necessary to telling the story. And…

Four tips to free your writing:


  • Remove the scene. Maybe the reason you are struggling is because it doesn’t belong there or in the book at all!

  • Write a scene that could be in the book, but isn’t.

  • Write a scene that takes place after the end of your book.

  • Write a scene that takes place during the novel but off stage, out of sight. 

  • Write a flashback from 30 years in the future.


Can we get back to writing?

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