People always say, “Write what you know.”
That may work for some, but I think what draws me back to the computer day after day is writing what I love to read. I think, ultimately, that is what my dad did. He wrote adventure stories which he loved to read. As he became more and more successful the books he read for fun were usually mysteries, also my favorite genre by the way other than historicals. I love being in another place and time.
If you have been a reader of this blog for any length of time you may have heard me speak about my current works in progress.
One is a Middle grade mystery. Another is a YA or Adult historical. The last one, which is actually the one I have worked on the most, including a year with an editor, is my spiritual self help book.
In the background are two more historicals, another middle grade mystery set in the southwest, a modern day romance, a spy thriller, … I could go on for a long time.
I need to write faster. I really need to write faster.
I am going to begin to outline in a new way. My issue right now is that I am working on pieces that I began long ago without outlining per se. Now I need to go back and do that.
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