Recommit to Writing!

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Recommit to writing

The holiday weekend is over so it is time to recommit to writing.


Summer is still going strong…with long days and warm nights so it is time to make use of that extra daylight

My mom fertilizes her roses according to holiday, Valentine’s, St Patrick’s, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day(not sure about July 4th so I need to ask.


I recommit to writing as a new year begins for me. I have several such as Jan 1, My birthday in March, Beginning of summer, First day of school,–giving myself recommitment days really helps me to keep focused. Even if the weeks prior have gotten off track I can recommit and begin again.


 After the holiday as the rest of summer stretches out before us we can see how the days are stacking up. I am finding myself up really early with our new pup. Usually I am in the backyard with the birds and Hobbes by 7 if not by 6:30 and it begins my day at a great time.

To be honest I was sleeping in until 8:30/9 before he came and it was a mistake. I felt like I was behind all day. I would look up and it would be 1 pm with little done.

Now Hobbes and I have a schedule.

And I am writing again. Today it is this blog and my next newsletter which you can sign up for here.



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