Did you get a chance to see the facebook live I did with Beau?
My brother and I do get along well but I am the younger sister and spent many years being the annoying little sister.
One more little glimpse into us as kids.

Some day he and I should share with you how we spent our summer vacations, weekends, winter vacations and any extra time Dad could take us away from school. We spent thousands of miles in the back of a rented station wagon, shared hotel rooms in the middle of no where with the Camay soap, the Sanitized strip on the toilet and all the different soda machines
The first long adult conversation we had I was 13 or 14 and we played poker late into the night. Dad finally came in and said, “Time for bed kids” about 2 am. The next day he apologized to me for sending us to bed. He said he understood how big a deal it was. Dad was a younger sibling too.
Beau and I didn’t go to camp.
Aside from the occasionally night away at a friend’s house the first time we were away from each other was when he was 17 or so and spent the summer working in Colorado. We spent a lot of time together in the middle of nowhere and I still love to talk to him.
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