The Darkest Month of the Year

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The darkest month really should be about October right? Nope it is December. As we head into the holiday month of December many people will be shopping, others will be planning their new year celebration and resolutions.

I will be shopping and planning Christmas gatherings, but resolutions will be a different story. I choose to devote myself again to family, health and writing. I don’t like resolutions. I like adopting a new schedule which includes the things that will make things happen. Like writing every day. Or making sure I prioritize my health.

That being said, I am going to take the rest of the month to myself. I plan on working out, cooking, spending time with my family. My blog posts have been written for the next two weeks. Christmas will be a time of celebration and community in person. Our oldest will be home soon and we get to hang out with her. I love my family. I love being with them and as soon as I have my current draft done I will take time off from that too.

Sometimes you just have to let go and realistically take some time off to recharge. Without worry and without hesitation.

I write in the kitchen so I am surrounded by things that need my attention. This year I finally learned to let that stuff go until after writing time. That was a win for me.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year!

See you in January.

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