Where did I go?
Funny that this “vanishing act” post follows my “imposter syndrome” post. This one is about self care and family time.
Honestly, I have been working on my book but I also had a full house. Both daughters were home and the oldest was here with her dog. I have no current household help so I am busy! Laundry, dinner, dogs, family time. I love it when everyone is home.
But I don’t get a lot done.
If I have to choose between blogging, social media and my book…the book comes in first.
If I have to choose between time with my family and those things…Family time gets top billing.
These days I have to choose. And it is hard because I was working on building my social media accounts and consistently blogging until early August. Three things happened at that time. Kate came home with Roar, we started counting the youngest’s return to college in days instead of months, and I had a fall. I am fine but got pretty bruised.
I decided to slow down and not try to do everything.
It was important to listen to what my body and my mind were telling me. Instead of getting irritated because of what I couldn’t do or couldn’t get alone time to do, I rejoiced in what I did get to do. Like time with the whole family on the couch with two dogs/puppies binge watching New Girl, Amazing Race and other shows. (to be honest there was a lot of puppy work making that happen and most of the time they ended up going to bed early like the pups they are.) But we tried. It will be easier at Thanksgiving!

I never regret time with my family. NEVER!
Now the girls are back at school, Roar is living with Kate and We are home with our dog, Hobbes.
I am finding my way back to writing and working for the family business and dealing with transferring info between multiple computers.
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I am being consistent in including content to get you engaged and writing!
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