Back in 2010 I began walking in the Revlon RunWalk in LA.
It was a wonderful experience for my family and myself. Unfortunately the five years I walked were the last five years of the event. In 2012 I was asked to write about my feelings regarding the walk and the following was sent to everyone on their mailing list. I give this to you, my readers, in honor of Breast Health Awareness Month.
The first year I walked in the EIF Revlon Run/Walk, it was an end point to what had been the hardest year of my life. May 8, 2010 was exactly two months to the day of my final chemo treatment.
I had to plan for the future. I needed a goal.
To celebrate the end of chemo, I decided I would walk in theRun/Walk with the family and friends who helped me through it all.
This got me out of bed when I was hurting, exhausted and nauseous. Every day I would walk. Some days I could only walk about 100 feet and then I would turn back.
But each day I walked farther.
The first time I walked, it was about getting there and doing it– completing the Run/Walk with my team was something I had dreamed about – I made it holding the hand of my just 8 year old daughter the whole way as my older daughter ran ahead. My team raised over $15,000.
The second time was about me – I walked out into the crowd at the start and all of a sudden I was overwhelmed by the fact that everyone there was there for me. There were people walking for their loved ones, to be sure, but also, they were there for countless strangers to save their lives. I am one of those strangers. You walk for me and I walk for you.”
I hope to see you at the Run/Walk,
Angelique L’Amour
It is interesting to take this look back. I have come so far and I am forever grateful.

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