SCBWI weekend is over and my head is full of ideas!
One of the great takeaways from this event was from Jem Chambers-Black from Andrea Brown Literary Agency.
She gave a wonderful talk, and in it described what she asks her writers to do for themselves. I want to share them with you as I think that they are fantastic ideas for every writer! Myself included. I assure you I have done these just now and will continue for all of 2022. I am determined that my writing plans keep my writing on track and begin to tackle the path to publishing.
Dream Big
Take a look at your life and write down what you want it to look like in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years and so on. Dream big. No one is going to see it but you and in the art of manifestation you must dream big!
There is a story that Jim Carrey wrote himself a check for $1,000,000 and put it on his fridge believing that one day he would be able to fund it.
Every month write down 20 new story ideas.
Just one line about each. This is where I found myself at 29 years old. Sitting in acting class I wrote down story ideas and non-fiction ideas I had for books. I was aging out of Hollywood then and I decided to begin my writing career in earnest.
Then take those ideas and choose 5-10 to write a few more lines about them or a paragraph or two and develop them. That way you always have something to write.
Make a master agent list. Find your people.
Find agents that represent your type of book, find comp titles, find a critique group…find another if that one isn’t it for you.
Set monthly writing goals.
Goals can be by word or page, but set a goal and stick to it. Make it daily or weekly, if that is better. Plan your year and do it. And remember to take breaks.
My mother had a wonderful friend who was an actress from childhood, Marjorie Lord. When I was 14 and desperate to be an actress she gave me sage advice. It was about acting but I have changed one word to make it about all of us. She worked as an actress and she had a family. She raised wonderful kids who gave her loving grandchildren. When she passed in 2015 she had lived a full life both on the stage and off so I take her advice to heart to this day.
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